
The miscellaneous ramblings and thoughts of Dan G. Switzer, II

Klingon Interpreter Sought for Patients

Position Available: Interpreter, must be fluent in Klingon.

The language created for the "Star Trek" TV series and movies is one of about 55 needed by the office that treats mental health patients in metropolitan Multnomah County.


"There are some cases where we've had mental health patients where this was all they would speak," said the county's purchasing administrator, Franna Hathaway.

Dream Theater Married Meanstreak?!?

Here's an interesting trivia bit. I was doing some miscellaneous surfing over the weekend. I was watching a video from some 80s female singer I didn't remember so I looked her up on the web. Her voice sounded really familar, but I didn't recognize the name. Anyway, the site was geared towards all female metal bands and while reading the site I came across reference to a band called "Meanstreak".

Anyway, the band didn't ring a bell with me—I don't remember them, but I did read something odd on the page. Three of the band members are now married to Dream Theater members. (The site says only 2, but actually it's 3.)

Anyway, the relationships are:


Spock's Beard new CD "Feel Euphoria"...

Spock's Beard's new album has been completed and is scheduled to be released on June 30, 2003. This is great news!!!


The Beatles done King's X style...

Ok, I found this on floating around on the web. It's the guys from King's X when they were known as "The Edge" doing a remake of The Beatles "Here Comes The Sun." It definitely has an early 80s vibe to it and seems to have a similiar feel to the remake that was in the movie Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

King's X - Here Comes The Sun

Must be some proud parents out there...

I bought there are some real proud parent's out there. This kid is more M&M than Eminem.


Whew! I've been busy!

Ok, I haven't had much opportunity to post lately—as you can tell. I've been swamped with work and trying to work out going to Denver next week. Fortunately, I think everything is squared away. I'm leaving for Denver on Wednesday (5/14) and returning on Sunday (5/18.) The primary reason I'm going is to give a speech on qForms at the MX On The Rocks Conference—which was rescheduled due to the nasty blizzard in Colorado in March.

Oh yeah, I also got my tickets to see Iron Maiden in August. They're playing at the Germaine Ampitheater (formerly known as "Polaris Ampitheater.") I don't listen to Maiden like I did when I was in high school, but I've never had good seats when I've seen them in the past and really would like to try to get a bird's eye view of Steve Harris bursting off those triplets. It'll be good to see Adrian, Dave, Nicko, Steve, Bruce and Jannick all playing together (although I've never been a big fan of Jannick—he just doesn't fit the Maiden mold.)

I took Jenn to lunch today. I had to go to the east part of town to the travel agents, so I worked it out so that I could stop by and take her out to lunch. She informed me that it's our seven month anniversary today. Is Bob Evans appropriate for that? :)

Got my Maiden tickets!

I got my Maiden tickets today! Thanks Eric! I've heard that this is pretty much a "Greatest Hits" tour and that they're going to be playing lots of classics!

Dio and Motorhead are also on the ticket, although I've got no real desire to see either of them. Dio's alright, but I thought he's been boring when I've seen him live in the past. I've never been a big Motorhead fan—just can't get past Lemmy's voice—so I'm no big hurry to get there to hear either of these two bands. Dio does have some songs I like, so hopefully Motorhead is opening up so I can just skip them.

King's X: Black Like Sunday

King's X new album hit stores May 20, 2003. You can download the title track (Black Like Sunday) from MetalBlade's King's X site.

This album is made up of songs they wrote 20+ years ago, back when they were known as "The Edge." The title track definitely has a retro feel to it.

Maddie's stitches are out!

Well I took Maddie to the Vets this morning and she got her stitches all take out (from her spaying two weeks ago.) The Vet said it's safe for her to return to normal activities.

She's been ornery as all hell lately, so I'm hoping the fact I can play frisbee and walk her again regularly will help. I don't think she understood why I wasn't allow her to run around.

Working on qForms v2.0

I got some more work done on the masking routines I'm going to use for qForms. I'm still trying to decide the best way to implement some of the functionality. I'll probably break everything out that uses keyboard event handling into it's own library.

Anyway, the API is coming along quite nicely. There are still a number of features that I would like to see included in the first release of v2, but I'm still trying to figure out the best way to implement them. The concept of "groups" is still one of the main one's I'm struggling with. I just can't decide on the best way to implement them. I'd like to try to introduce the concept without bloating the code, but I think there's going to be a good amount of code needed to do everything w/groups that I'd like to do. Anyway, I continue to play with it and I'm sure I'll figure something out I'm happy with.

Maddie Update: Week Two

Well, Maddie's doing pretty well—but she's definitely getting bored. I can't wait until I can play Frisbee with her again. The stitches come out on this Friday—presuming everything is ok.

I did take her to the Vets on Friday to have them check out the stitches—I noticed a little "bubble" that I wanted them to check out. The vet felt pretty about it, but he did give me some general penicillin to give her just in case there was a mild infection.

Anyway, I tried walking Maddie w/her "Gentle Leader" again on Sunday and she really hates it. I'm pretty sure I've got it on her correctly, but she just wants to scrape her head on the ground trying to get it off. I think I'll take her in to the petstore to see if they think the fit is ok. I've walked her 5 times with it on and she's not getting any better about it. I wouldn't be concerned if she wasn't scraping her face up trying to get it off.

New XML-Related Working Drafts Released...

This is a couple of days late, but the W3C released a few new "Working Drafts" on May 2nd. These include drafts for XSLT v2.0, XQuery v1.0 and XPath v2.0—as well as several documents on how the specifications interact with each other. Anyway, if you're looking for some reading to put you to sleep or you just have an interest in where the future of XML documents are going, then you out to check out the new drafts.


Closeup of The Hulk's face...

A closeup of CG work of "The Hulk" from the upcoming movie of the same name.

Hybrid surface being installed at Heinz Field

Workers were installing a new playing surface yesterday at Heinz Field.

The new sod is a combination of natural Kentucky bluegrasses reinforced with polypropylene fibers that are sewn into the sod every three-fourths of an inch to make the surface more durable.

Since Heinz Field opened in August 2001, the all-grass playing surface had taken a pounding with games played by the Steelers, University of Pittsburgh Panthers and local high schools. The Steelers were forced to replace the chewed-up Heinz Field grass three times last year.

Fly Kitty, Fly!

Fly kitty, fly!
