Addressing some more behavior issues being brought up (and adding a few new features,) Giva just released a new version of the mcDropdown plug-in:
- Added focus() method
- Fixed autocomplete list from showing dropdown when go back levels in FF3
- Fixed autocomplete list corruption in when go back levels after using mouse
- Added tabindex="-1" to the dropdown arrow (so it shouldn't recieve focus on tabbing)
- Fixed tabbing behavior so hitting [TAB] should go to the next element in the tabindex
- Autocomplete no longer shows (by default) if the input is empty and recieves focus (use the setting.showACOnEmptyFocus to control this behavior)
- Added setting.showACOnEmptyFocus (used for controlling whether the autocomplete list shows on focus if list is empty; default = false)
- Fixed noConflict() bug (where $ wasn't being properly scoped)
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