
The miscellaneous ramblings and thoughts of Dan G. Switzer, II

Highlighting the user's position in the form using qForms...

I was doing some surfing today and came across a cool effect on the w3compliler Contact Us form. When you're focused on a form field, the field's label style will change to give you a better visual representation of where you're at on the form. I thought to myself, that's pretty cool--I bet I can do that with just a coupe of lines of code in qForms v2.

In the w3compiler Contact Form, they're using tables to layout the form, but I wanted to do something using strictly CSS and HTML. So I decided to use the actual <label> tag as the field label—this allows you to click on the label to set the focus to the form field. Check out my version:

qForms v2 Demo - Field Focus DHTML

qForms v2.0 Live Code Demo

Ok, here's some live demos of the qForms. If you attempt to download the source and use it in a project, you're using it at your own risk—your on your own.


I'll try to keep this fairly up-to-date w/what's going on with the source code, especially if more demos are put together.