Hiding Files/Folders From Eclipse Projects Using Filters...

Posted by Dan on Jul 7, 2005 @ 11:25 AM

After watching Rob Rohan's CFEclipse Intro Videos, I decided to give Eclipse another go around. I've played around w/Eclipse several times before, but I've always gone back to HomeSite+. Rob's video showed me a few key features (such as the Bookmarks and To-Do list) that are very intriguing to me. Following Rob's directions, install was simple and I was up and runing within minutes of downloading Eclipse.

One thing I ran into though, is I wanted to hide my .svn and .project entries from showing up in my Navigation bar. In order to hide those files/folders from showing up, you need to turn on the ".*" filter. Here are step-by-step instructions for turning on that filter.

  1. Click on the "Navigation" pane.
  2. Press [CTRL]+[F10] or click on the "View Menu" icon (which looking like an upside down triangle.)
  3. Click on the "Filters..." option.
  4. In the Navigation Filters, find the ".*" option and click in the checkbox just to the left of the label.
  5. Click "OK".

Now any of your .svn, .cvs or .project files should now be hidden from the Navigation Pane!

According to the Eclipse Online Help, it looks like you can also manually the Contributing Resource Filters by editing the plugin.xml file.

Categories: JavaScript, Technology, HTML/ColdFusion, Flex/Flash, Java


  • Very cool, thanks Dan! It is a minor annoyance but one that got to me everytime I used eclipse. Thanks for the quick blurb on how to filter those files out!
  • So I started using Eclipse/CFEclipse exclusively a few months ago and in the last few weeks I've noticed that the presence of a vssver2.scc file in *every-single-damn-directory* is starting to irk me. I started looking around to see how to hide it and ended up here.

    Unfortunately, this doesn't help - or at least it's not solving my problem. I need to filter out *.scc, but can't quite get it to work - even after modifying plugins.xml in eclipse/plugins/com.rohanclan.cfml_1.2.0.

    Can anyone point me to what I'm doing wrong? Or where I can find the file I should be modifying?


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