Around 1993 I developed an astigmatism in my right eye. The first time it started acting up I got real nauseous trying to focus on anything for too long at a medium distance. I went to the eye doctor to have my eyes checked out, which is when I found out I had an astigmatism. My vision has always been at least 20/20 (it's still 20/20 in my right eye and 20/10 in my left.) Anyway, the doctor prescribed me glasses for reading (and for staring at the computer screen) to help calm the astigmatism. I wore the glasses for about 3 or 4 weeks until my eye calmed down and then I just stopped wearing them.
Anyway, about every 4 years or so the eye acts up again and I go through a similiar routine. Eye starts bothering me, go to the doctor, get glasses, feel better, stop wearing them. Well, just recently my eye starting bothering me again, so I just got my third pair of glasses.
The thing I always forget (and they never tell you about) is how much glasses can shift your perspective until you get used to them. Any rectangle within 12-24" of my face looks like a trapezoid. Here's what I'm talking about:
Fortunately, today's much better than yesterday but it's still throwing me off. If you're wondering, I got a pair of Oleg Cassini 1241 Wood Framed glasses. They look like this:
I actually think these glasses look halfway decent on me. I'm sure they'll end up in a drawer some place in 4 weeks, but I'll try to wear them when working at the computer for long stints—I promise Mom! ;)
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