- Website screen capturing service

Posted by Dan on Nov 16, 2005 @ 10:24 AM

A new free, community driven, web-based Browser Screenshot tool has been introduced called Browsershots.

The concept of Browsershots it to provide you screenshots of a URL you specify in a variety of different browsers and platforms. This is so you can verify that your pages are working correctly.

Browsershots uses a community computing to do all the processing of the screenshots. Users from around the world can load a client on their PC which will grab requests from the queue, process them and then upload the static images to the Browsershots web page. Since everything works off a giant queue, processing may take awhile--they suggest to keep checking the queue for up to 24-48 hours.

Seems like a great tool and you can't beat the price!

Categories: JavaScript, HTML/ColdFusion, Flex/Flash


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