
The miscellaneous ramblings and thoughts of Dan G. Switzer, II

Mike Tomlin is an Iron man...

I really hate those Coors Light commercials where they've tried to re-factor NFL Coach's Post Game Conferences into something "funny"—at least I assume they're supposed to be funny. I don't know anyone who actually thinks the commercials are amusing in the least bit.

However, someone has been actually able to create a funny parody of the commercials in the Pittsburgh area. Perhaps it's only going to be funny to those who've lived in Pittsburgh, visit there frequently or are just a fan of the Steelers (I qualify for the last two.) Anyway, I found this parody to be much better put together. They've selected quotes from Coach Mike Tomlin that are much more fitting to the questions being asked. Well I think it's funny anyway!

Converting MSSQL XML to a native ColdFusion Query

Every now and again I have the need to test some code against against some live data. The reasons vary from simply trying to recreate a bug, testing a piece of code for performance or for testing a UI widget.

In the past the quick and dirty way I've done was to move a template into production that would perform the query and then convert the query object to WDDX. This would allow me to create a "copy" of the live data that I could port to development. The problem with this method is it makes you move temporary code to a production environment that you then have to remove.


Coworking in Columbus, OH

The other day I posted on working from home, isn't all it's cracked up to be and I mentioned Coworking. Turns out there is a Coworking movement going on in Columbus, OH. This group is still in their infancy, but they are in the process of trying to find some locations for office space.

I've signed up for the Columbus Coworking Google Group so I can monitor the progress. The concept of Coworking is something I definitely have interest in. The location of the office space is going to have a lot to do with how frequently I'd use the facilities, but it's something I could see myself using even if there was a bit of a commute (although it would limit my frequency of going.)

Working from home, isn't all it's cracked up to be...

Whenever the topic of my employment comes up, everyone's first reaction when I tell them I work from home is: "Wow, that must be really nice!" While working from home definitely has some benefits, it has some cons.

As Cameron Childress mentions in his post on Coworking in Atlanta, the two hardest things to adjust to are the lack of socialization and self motivation—both are issues Cameron and I have talked amongst ourselves about in the past.


Conan O'Brien's staff playing Rock Band

Pretty funny skit of the staff of Conan O'Brien playing the game Rock Band.

If this video gets pulled, just trying searching for it.

Using AntiSamy to protect your CFM pages from XSS hacks

I recently posted about a new open source Java project called AntiSamy—which allows you to protect your websites from XSS hacks. I also promised that I'd soon show you some code examples that show you how you can use AntiSamy within ColdFusion.

I've only tested this code under ColdFusion 8. It should theoretically work on any ColdFusion installation, provided you're using a JDK version that supports the compiled version of the AntiSamy code (which is compiled to Java v1.5.)

Before you can actually use AntiSamy, there are a few quick steps you need to make.


View recently run queries in MSSQL 2005

Pinal Dave posted this great little SQL snippet to view most recent queries executed in SQL Server 2005.

    deqs.last_execution_time as [Time], dest.text as [Query]
    sys.dm_exec_query_stats as deqs
        cross apply
    sys.dm_exec_sql_text(deqs.sql_handle) as dest
order by
    deqs.last_execution_time desc

This is definitely a useful SQL snippet to see what's just happened when you're in a pinch.