Verizon Wireless XV6700 AKU3 ROM Update

Posted by Dan on Dec 5, 2007 @ 12:10 PM

If you're not aware, Verizon has released the UTStar AKU3 ROM Update for download. While the link is available on the Verizon Support site, it's somewhat buried. The direct link is:

This is supposed to resolve the Error: Data Call Failure. Error 37: Miscellaneous Erroneously Mobile IP Setup Occurred message that often appears when connecting to the network as well as provide other miscellaneous fixes.

I have heard that updating to AKU3 could prevent you from using some of the custom WM6 ROMs—which I've been very tempted to try. I really want this phone to be stable. I've heard WM6 is much more stable than WM5, but I'm not sure I want to upgrade to an unsupported ROM. Either way, I've got to do something to get this phone to a more stable and usable state.

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