Popovich's In Town/Nicholas Walking...

Posted by Dan on Jul 1, 2003 @ 9:12 AM

The Popovich's came in to town Sunday—they're going to be staying at the Gazvoda's for the week. Since Jenn & I were out and about all day Sunday, last night was the first time I got a chance to visit with them. (Honestly, I wouldn't have contacted them on Sunday anyway, I'm sure they just wanted to kick back and relax for the day.) Eric & Krista were already over at Todd & Monica's house when Todd called me. Jenn had some reading to do and Tuesday's are here long day (w/work and then school right afterwards,) so she decided to stay home.

Nathan was already asleep when I got there, but Nicholas was still up. When I walked in the room, Nicholas' eyes just let up and he got this huge smile. There's something about a baby smile that can wipe away even the worst of moods—not that I was in a bad mood yesterday, I wasn't, but those smiles make you forget about everything else on your mind. Jennifer Popovich, Krista and Monica were all in the living room together.

Monica was giving him his bottle when I came in. I ended up taking over the feeding—which itself is so sweet and innocent. When you give him his bottle he holds your hand (or finger) with one hand and then he gently caresses your arm with the other—you can just tell he's going to be very empathetic, caring and kind to others. He then would also put his fingers up to mind—he seemed to be comparing the differences in the size of our fingers. First, he'd put his finger against mine length-wise, then he'd just push his finger tip to mind. You could just tell he was processing something.

After feeding him for a bit, he wanted to get down on the ground and walk around—yes he's walking now. :) Monica warned me that he hadn't been feeling good today and that he hadn't walked much, but he walked right over to me. I love that wobbly, unbalanced ambling of a baby just learning to walk. He'll take a few steps and then right himself to keep balance—it's all very precious. He even walked about 6-8 feet over to me. He just had this huge grin on his face the whole time.

I played w/him very briefly, after all Monica was trying to put him down for the night. He did play the "So Big" game with me, which M says he only really does with me. God he's a cute kid. Good job Todd & Monica—he's going to be a great person.

I only stayed in the living room for maybe 10-15 minutes—I didn't want to get Nicholas too stirred up. :) After that, I grabbed a beer and want outside to visit with Dan, Eric & Todd. We mainly just sat around shooting the shit. Nothing major. The guys are going out tonight with an old high school friend. I'm going to try to go, but I really need to cut the backyard tonight. It's beginning to look like a jungle—it's quite embarrassing.

Categories: Personal

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