Father's Day Weekend...

Posted by Dan on Jun 16, 2003 @ 12:30 PM

Well, another weekend's over—sometimes I wish weekends were longer than 2 days. :) Anyway, didn't do much on Saturday, did a little bit of yard work, but my lawn was drenched, so I didn't want to mow the grass. Just walking through the yard you'd see small splashes of water with each step. Unfortunately, it's crappy outside again, so I doubt I'll be able to cut the grass tonight either. (We're supposed to have band practice tonight, and I wouldn't have to time to cut the grass if we jam anyway, so I guess that's good.) I watched a couple of MLS Soccer games, but that was pretty much the extent of my day. :)

I didn't get much sleep Saturday night. Someone in the neighborhood was having a party and at 4am they were still blasting—let me tell you, it was loud too, way too loud for 4am and being outside. I almost yelled something at them when I let Maddie out to go potty at 4am, and then I realized what an old geezer I'd become and decided just to go inside. The sad part is, I think the lady holding the party is 5-10 years older than I am. I hope I don't become an old miser. :)

Anyway, since I didn't get much sleep I ended up sleeping in too late and missed breakfast w/my parents and grandparents. I was supposed to meet them at Northwood Hill CC in Springfield at 9:30, and didn't wake up until 9:18. Thankfully, Jenn came in the room and woke me up, otherwise who knows when I would have gotten up.

Fortunately, I was able to shower, shave and drive to Springfield all before our 10:30am tee time. I rode with Grandpa Sayers, while Dad and Jeff rode together. Considering I haven't picked up a club in 2 months, I played surprisingly well. I was hitting the ball pretty good, just played horrific around the greens. I shot 51 on the front, but I hit a number of greens in regulation. If I could have putted/chipped worth a darn, I could have easily shaved 9-10 strokes off my game. I lipped putts out on like 5 holes in a row on the front. It was pretty frustrating, considering my short game used to be decent, but that's when you don't play much, your short game suffers.

Anyway, on hold 12 Dad suggested we switch to a 2 man scramble—which was a good idea. Jeff and Dad teamed up against Grandpa and I. We picked up a stroke on them on 12 and then I about holed #13. I mean it had to have been really close. Anyone who's played 13 at Northwood knows the green. From where my ball hit, about 4.5' from the stick, and where it ended up, about 6" from the cup, it had to have come within inches of going in. Because the green slopes upward, the ball would have gotten pretty close to the cup before drifting down a bit. I suspect another inch or two to the left or up and the ball would have been sitting at the bottom of the cup. I was pretty pumped up after that. I tend to play that hole very poorly, so I was rather excited.

Anyway, Grandpa and I ended up beating Dad and Jeff. They were within a stroke of us going into 18, but I played 18 pretty well, setup us up for a birdie putt—which we missed, but had a tap in for our par. Anyway, I think we all had a really good time.

We got down with our round right around 3:00pm. My little cousin, Sammy, had a ball game starting just down the road at 3:30pm so Dad, Grandpa and I decided to head to the game. Grandpa left right away, but Dad and I stayed and had a beer at the course. We got to the game in time to see the kids warm up a bit. It turned out the Beekman clan was there as well, turns out Brian's youngest, Nicholas, was playing on the other team. I went over and talked w/Jason, Brian and Alex for a bit and then headed back over to hang out w/my Dad. We stayed until around the 4 inning or so, and then left to head back to my parent's house.

We didn't stay at my parent's very long, just long enough to see my beagle, Charlie—who's on his last legs, he's not looking good at all—and to give my Dad his Father's Day gift. After that, we packed up the car and headed over to my Aunt Nancy's and Uncle Jack's for an (indoor) picnic. They've just decided to put their house up for sale—it's an awesome old farmhouse on about 3 acres of land just outside of Springfield. Anyway, we hung out there for a bit and then headed back to the house and I took off for Columbus.

I stopped by Steak 'N Shake for a milkshake and to pick up a salad for Jenn—with her foot injury, she stayed at the house and watched Maddie. RoadRunner was down at the house last last night, so I watched a little TV and then went to bed. I bet you're glad you read all this, huh? :)

Categories: Personal

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