[UPDATED: Friday, April 17, 2009 at 10:27:41 AM]
Two great posts by Mike Henke and John Whish over the past week cover some really important keyboard shortcuts for Eclipse & CFEclipse. They cover the gamut of some of my favorites (like CTRL+SHIFT+R) and some ones I always forget about (such as CTRL+DEL and CTRL+BACKSPACE.) These are definitely shortcuts you should be memorizing to make you work more efficient.
General Eclipse Shortcuts
- [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[L]
- A list of all keyboard shortcuts (not mapped by default in CFEclipse--you can create a copy of this shortcut in the Keys preferences and map to [CTRL]+[ALT]+[K] which is open in CFEclipse.)
- [CTRL]+[M]
- Maximizes (or minimizes) the current pane (editor or view.) This is a handy way to maximize your editor to take up the full screen.
- [CTRL]+[K]
- Finds the next occurrence of the highlighted text. (NOTE: This is one of the best ways to jump around your document.)
- [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[K]
- Finds the previous occurrence of the highlighted text.
- [CTRL]+[H]
- Brings up the Search & Replace dialog.
- [CTRL]+[D]
- Delete the current line.
- Deletes to the end of the current line.
- [CTRL]+[DEL]
- Deletes the next word.
- Deletes the previous word.
- [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[X]
- Converts highlighted text to uppercase.
- [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[Y]
- Converts highlighted text to lowercase. </DD
- [CTRL]+[Q]
- Goes to the last place you made a change.
- [ALT]+[LEFT]
- Goes "back" to the last open editor in your viewing history.
- Goes "forward" to the next open editor in your viewing history.
- [CTRL]+[E]
- The Quick Switch Editor opens a list of all open editors and allows you to quickly switch to any open file.
- [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[R]
- The Open Resource dialogs allows you to quickly open any files in your workspace. This is one I use all the time.
- [CTRL]+[3]
- The Quick Access menu pretty much helps you find anything in Eclipse by providing a keyword.
- [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[E]
- The Switch to Editor brings up a list of all open editors (and can even span multiple windows.)
- [CTRL]+[UP]
- Moves the current (or highlighted) rows up one line.
- Moves the current (or highlighted) rows down one line.
- [CTRL]+[ALT]+[UP]
- Inserts a copy of the currently highlighted line above the current line.
- Inserts a copy of the currently highlighted line below the current line.
- Shifts (indents) the current or highlighted line(s) to the right. Much faster than highlighting the line(s) and using the [TAB] key.
- Shifts (un-indents) the current or highlighted line(s) to the left. Much faster than highlighting the line(s) and using the [SHIFT]+[TAB] key.
- Jumps to the beginning of the current file.
- [CTRL]+[END]
- Jumps to the end of the current file.
CFEclipse Shortcuts
- [CTRL]+[3]
- Wraps text inside #...#.
- [CTRL]+[T]
- Edit current tag.
- [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[A]
- Inserts <cfabort/> tag.
- [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[D]
- Inserts <cfdump/> tag.
- [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[O]
- Wraps text inside <cfoutput>...</cfoutput> tags.
- [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[N]
- When focus is inside of an HTML/CFML tag, it will jump to the matching open or close tag.
- [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[U]
- Converts highlighted text to uppercase. (NOTE: I recommend using [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[X] instead because it's a general Eclipse shortcut.)
- [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[L]
- Converts highlighted text to lowercase. (NOTE: I recommend using [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[Y] instead because it's a general Eclipse shortcut.)
- [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[P]
- Wraps text inside <p>...</p> tags.
- [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[C]
- Wraps text inside a contextual comment (i.e. <!--...--> for HTML, /*...*/ for scripts).
- [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[M]
- Wraps text inside <!---...---> tags.
- [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[Z]
- Opens the color picker.
- [CTRL]+[\]
- Expands or collapses the current code block (<cfif>, <cffunction>, <cfswitch>, etc.)
In CFEclipse, most of your standard shortcuts for formatting (i.e. [CTRL]+[B] = strong) work as well. Learning keyboard shortcuts can really speed up your development process, so I recommend trying to learn one or two a week and introduce them into your coding habits.
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